Title: Star Revelations
Author: Steven Paul Terry
Genre: Science Fiction
Narrators: Lessa Lamb & Curt Bonnem
Audio Producer: The Audio Flow, LLC
Publication Date: June 30th, 2022
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR
Get their attention before it’s too late…the Quiet War has begun….
Acclaimed journalist and media celebrity Diana Willis can snag the inside scoop and truth on any story. But when her helicopter mysteriously malfunctions and plummets to the ground, everything changes, sending Diana down a maze of murderous intrigue and confusion. Waking up from a coma eight weeks after the crash, she struggles with the recurring dreams that reveal an extraordinary past life. Now, Diana's hell-bent on uncovering the secrets about those past memories.
Delving into a world of mind control and past lives, the truth is more terrifying than she ever imagined as she travels back in time to face the perpetrators of America's most confidential and sinister projects. Teaming up with an unlikely ally, an elusive interdimensional mentor from her other life, Diana is able to restore her psychic and telepathic powers. Suddenly, they're in more danger than ever before as their enemies seek world domination through mind control and media manipulation.
Can Diana use her powers to expose the truth, learn who she is, and bring a message of faith and freedom from another world, hundreds of Earth years in the future?
"I returned from your future and there is no fear. I am courageous and free..."
Steven Paul Terry was born in London, England, and educated there and in Australia. As a professional speaker, he spent three decades traveling the globe. He splits his time between Colorado and Mexico and enjoys writing by the ocean, where he also swims and dives.
Visit his website at StevenPaulTerry.com
"The hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself." – Joseph Campbell
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